CC-1 TEMPORARY COLD CONTROL -5F TO 38F, 9" CAPILLARY. The CC-1 Temporary Cold Control was designed to service either refrigerator-
freezers or stand-alone freezers. It will adjust to the temperature
CC-1 TEMPORARY COLD CONTROL -5F TO 38F, 9" CAPILLARY. The CC-1 Temporary Cold Control was designed to service either refrigerator-
freezers or stand-alone freezers. It will adjust to the temperature
TEMPORARY COLD CONTROL -5F TO 38F, 9" CAPILLARY. The CC-1 Temporary Cold Control was designed to service either refrigerator-
freezers or stand-alone freezers. It will adjust to the temperature
range of either appliance. This means you can avoid the cost and trouble
of carrying two different units.
The Temporary Cold Control comes complete with knob, dial plate,
mounting suction cups, and terminals. When the need arises, it is a simple
task to connect, position and set it. Once installed, it will efficiently
control refrigeration temperature until the exact control is available. Any
temperature adjustments can be made just as with the original control.
The service technician can then return with the permanent replacement
when it's convenient to the customer.
Product Availability:
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This product must be purchased in increments of 1