Refunds and Returns Orders may only be cancelled if the items have NOT been shipped to you. An order is not considered cancelled until you receive an e-mail from us confirming your cancellation (if the order ships before this confirmation is received the customer is still responsible for original shipping and return shipping costs). Once an item has been shipped, it may only be returned for a refund or exchanged for another product. The customer is responsible for ALL shipping charges (original shipping and return shipping) on returned and/or exchanged items. This also applies to orders that qualified for free shipping.
If an item is defective, or you wish to return it, you must contact us within 30 business days of receiving the item. The following conditions apply to all returns, exchanges and refunds.
Customer is responsible to take all necessary steps to assure that its selection meets all performance and safety requirements and specifications, including any applicable laws, regulations, codes and standards. Patriot Supply assumes no responsibility for the effects of any choices made by customer.
If you wish to return or exchange your product, simply contact us. We will do our best to answer your questions and resolve the situation as fast as possible.
Patriot Supply reserves the right to cancel any orders for products in which either the items are no longer available or discontinued. On items in which the pricing was listed incorrectly online due to an error, Patriot Supply will contact the customer with the corrected price. Patriot Supply will NOT honor orders at the incorrect "error" prices.
Our website is set up to process credit card orders to Canada. We are also now able to take orders worldwide via PayPal payments. No need to call or email just place the order anywhere in the world, pay with PayPal and we will get your order shipped as quickly as possible!