McDonnell Miller 142600 63HD Auto Reset Head Mechanism For 63 LWCO
Electrical Ratings
Voltage 120 VAC / 240 VAC
Motor Switch Rating (Amperes) 120 VDC .5 Amp, @ 120VAC Full Load 10.2 Locked Rotor 61.2 Motor Switch Rating (Amperes) 120 VDC .5 Amp, @ 240VAC Full Load 5.1 Locked Rotor 30.6 Pilot Duty 125 VA at 120 or 240 VAC 60 Hz
Used On McDonnell Miller 63, 142400
Series 63 Low Water Cut-Offs
• For residential, commercial, and industrial applications
• Heavy duty
• Includes No. 2 switch
• Optional manual reset available
• Maximum boiler pressure 50 psi (3.5 kg/cm2)
• Use with TC-4 on hot water systems
McDonnell & Miller model number 63-HD is a head mechanism for model number 63 controls. Head mechanisms include everything except a float chamber. They allow for quick and easy replacement by removing the bolts on the float chamber and then removing and replacing the new unit, with no need to disrupt piping.